This page is a placeholder. It describes the 'GATE Project' being developed by the team at Zeetix, LLC.
This is the 'httpd' DocumentRoot
for the the Zeetix, LLC GATE project.
The 'GATE Dashboard' is under construction. The links
Public server (''):
This may not work while the public server is being configured
Development server (''):
These are accessible only to the Zeetix, LLC development team
This is current "yarn build" version of the "GATE Dashbaord". It is frequently broken while server-side changes are under development.
(Mock) GATE Dashboard (public)
This is a sandbox for the public "GATE Dashboard" (above). Contemplated updates to the public version are exercized here prior to deployment.
Use this link to download 'xming.exe" for Windows. This allows "GATE Developer" to run on a Windows desktop.